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Photos of the Raven Rock Mountain Complex - The President's Site R Tour


As part of President Obama's commitment to creating an unprecedented level of openness and transparency, he called for increased participation and public engagement at all levels of government. To meet this lofty and worthwhile goal, the Raven Rock Mountain Complex opened its portals to the public.

Inspired by this response, President Obama recently stopped by to take the Site R tour. Here are some photos from his visit. Learn more about the exciting opportunity for public tours of the Raven Rock Mountain Complex.



  • President Obama flies by Site C on Marine One

    The President likes to fly over Site C on his way to Raven Rock

  • President Obama on Marine One helicopter to Raven Rock Mountain Complex

    President Obama arrives at the Site R helipad

  • President Obama goes through security at Raven Rock Mountain Complex

    President Obama starts his tour outside the RRMC Security Building

  • President Obama wearing the emergency escape mask at Raven Rock Mountain Complex

    The President tries to figure out the proper way to wear the
    emergency escape mask

  • President Obama inside the Raven Rock Mountain Complex

    The President begins his tour of the underground defense facility

  • President Obama at the Raven Rock Mountain Complex Command Center

    Checking out the Online Launch Codes at the Command Center

  • President Obama looks at the Site R generators

    President Obama can't believe the size of the generators!

  • President Obama climbs to the top of the Raven Rock Mountain Complex Site R Tunnel escape hatch

    Site R tunnel escape hatch

  • President Obama studies the Raven Rock Mountain Complex air intake blast valve

    President Obama learns how the air intake blast valve functions

  • President Obama rides on the Raven Rock Mountain Complex Fire Truck

    The President hops a ride on an RRMC Fire Truck

  • President Obama looks at the Raven Rock Mountain Complex satellite communications equipment

    President Obama can't believe the size of the satellite dishes!

  • President Obama eats at Raven Rock Mountain Complex mess hall

    The President grabs a bite to eat at the Granite Cove Dining Facility

  • President Obama plays basketball at Raven Rock Mountain Complex

    A basketball hoop was installed inside Raven Rock for President Obama

  • President Obama with his Raven Rock Mountain Complex t-shirt

    President Obama really likes his souvenir "Raven Rocks!" t-shirt

  • President Obama's motorcade leaving Site R through the tunnel back to Camp David

    President Obama heads to Camp David via the six and a half mile
    secret tunnel connecting Site R to the Presidential Retreat



This is a parody website with fictional content and fake photos. No person, department, or agency of the U.S. Government approved, endorsed, or authorized this site. This website is not associated in any way with the Raven Rock Mountain Complex (if there even is such a place ...) and unfortunately, no public tours are available.